We offer consultation services for all food, beverage, and cosmetic companies, from small home hobbyists to large Fortune 1000 companies.
Contact us today about where the industry is headed and see how we can help your company save money and offer satisfaction to your customers. Global tastes are always changing. We keep your company ahead of the curve.
Our current customers include:
Chewing gum manufacturers, Independent soda bottlers, Energy Bar makers, Chefs, Home hobbyists, Candy and Confectionery makers, Alcoholic Beverages, Make Up and Cosmetic companies, and Food Laboratories.
Consultation services begin at $225 for the Initial Consultation, up to 1 hour. Other companies charge up to $500, but we want to begin a long term relationship with you.
Ongoing services will depend on your company's needs and goals. Contact us to make arrangements and we'll work with you.